- The Ultimate Solution for BIG DATA
- Securing the Healthcare IT Infrastructure
- Sales Engagement Software
- Medication Therapy Management-Disease State Management (MTM-DSM)
- Health Information Exchange (HIE)
- Solutions for Accountable Care Organizations (ACO)
- Master Data Management (MDM)
- Secure Cloud Solution
- IQware Personal Medication Therapy Management
Industries Served
Drug Utilization Review
Pharmacists can use IQware MTM/DSM to analyze patient medications—including new prescriptions—to detect any adverse drug interactions. By automatically tracking prescriptions, IQware MTM/DSM enables pharmacists to:
Measure patient compliance, including prescription over-utilization, underutilization and duplicate drug therapy
Prevent unnecessary allergic reactions; alerts automatically appear when a patient is prescribed a reactive drug
Automatically analyze drugs to check for medical and therapeutic appropriateness
Track prescriber history
Track contrandications for patient diagnoses and demographics
Automatically alert the pharmacist to prescription dosage and duration errors
Tech Corner
IQware is a new, patented way of doing software.
Serving as a Master Data Management (MDM) application and a rule-based development tool, you can use IQware solutions to create new and/or enhance your existing software applications. Trust IQware to help you deliver the right information to the right people at the right time—securely and cost effectively.
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