Registration for webinar: You Got It. Hackers Want It. What's Your Plan?? begins February 26

Last month it was Sony, now it's Anthem.  Who's next?  Clearly, what is being done now for IT security isn't working.
An entirely new approach is needed to deal with this growing threat of cyber attacks, cyber extortion and cyber terrorism.  Fortunately, there is a new approach that works and is patented.
As a proven and successful expert in software architecture Dr. Steve Belovich took that "blank sheet of paper", identified what technologies were the most secure and made them play "nice" together. 
Join Dr. Belovich and our partner, Oracle, for a webinar to learn how you can take advantage of this new technology and IT security approach.
Announcement and registration link for this informative webinar will be posted on February 26.
  • 2015-02-18