SalesKatz Innovates CRM System that uses IQware

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The Business Journal Daily Buzz, featured a new Youngstown company, SalesKatz, in their Trending Tech Belt Report. SalesKatz is preparing to launch a new product that is promising to revolutionize sales.
"An integral part of what makes SalesKatz unique is that it uses IQware Solutions, Longoria says. The software company is based in nearby Richfield. IQware allows SalesKatz to be flexible and change programming on the fly."
"IQware allows SalesKatz to literally do anything they want for their customer on a custom basis or otherwise," he says.
And Ricker says right now SalesKatz has the exclusive license with IQware in the CRM realm.

SalesKates Innovates CRM System (transcript)

  • 2014-03-11